Grant application deadline
We will gladly accept your applications for the next board meeting in September 2024.Please submit your applications by August 23rd at the latest.

Basketball Exchange Berlin-Eugene
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation contributed to a transatlantic exchange between young adults from Berlin Kreuzberg who traveled to Eugene, Oregon, to play basketball with peers and bond over shared interests and Weiterlesen →

Ballona Waachnga Project
The Ballona Waachnga Project at Floating University, supported by the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation, consisted of two pieces, created by Halina Kliem and David Horvitz, two LA-based artists. Halina Kliem explored Weiterlesen →

Humboldt University Team Participates in the International Rounds of the Jessup Moot Court
Anfang April 2023 nahm das Jessup-Team der Humboldt-Universität an den internationalen Rounds der Philip C. Jessup Moot Court Competiotion in Washington D.C. teil. Nach spannenden Vorrunden, in denen die deutschen Weiterlesen →

Double Anniversary: 75th Berlin Airlift and 60th Kennedy Speech
The Tempelhof-Schöneberg district office honored the two anniversaries of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Airlift and the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy speech with a civic festival Weiterlesen →

Students from Grossmont College visit Berlin
We are glad we got to welcome three students from Grossmont College in San Diego here in Berlin. First, they took a two-week-long German course which was followed by two Weiterlesen →

We have a dream – Civic courage and transatlantic values
Democracy does not only affect one age group – every citizen should have the opportunity to get involved in democratic processes and understand democracy on a deeper level. The Forum Weiterlesen →

April 2023 – Publication photo book 2022 Edited
The photo project 2022 Edited in the form of a book is the result of a partnership between the OKS (Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie) in Berlin and the ICP (International Center Weiterlesen →

December 18th – 31st 2022 – theatrical performance: Als die Schokolade vom Himmel fiel
“When the chocolate fell from the sky” Berlin 1949. It’s Gerda’s brother’s birthday. But in times of blockade, a birthday cake is a big challenge. There are no eggs anywhere. Weiterlesen →

2021 to 2022 – technical update of the online timeline: With Wings and Roots
With Wings and Roots is an initiative of media makers, educators, and cultural practitioners in the US and Europe. They work together to change the debates around migration and belonging Weiterlesen →

12/2022 – 1/ 2023 Audiovisual Performance “Rapid Motel”
At night, in a town somewhere in South Dakota, years after a devastating flood. Houses and streets have been rebuilt. We are in the Rapid Motel, room 115, someone is Weiterlesen →