The Checkpoint Charlie Foundation can provide financial, intellectual and/or logistical support to bilateral exchange and engagement projects between Berlin and the United States of America. The foundation accepts applications for project grants throughout the year. Projects may be approved for funding if they comply with the goals of the foundation, its funding guidelines, and application procedures. Only the executive board of the foundation has the power to decide which projects will be funded. There is no legal entitlement to funding from the foundation. The executive board meets about once every quarter to consider grant applications. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks before the respective board meeting to be considered. The date of the next board meeting is available here.
In regard to the implementation of exchange projects, the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation also follows the board resolution of October 1st, 2008.
If they accept funding from the foundation, project organizers are required to file a project report no later than three months after project has been completed, in which they carefully document how the money recieved was spent.
Download a grant application form
Grant application form in PDF format
Grant application form in Word (.docx) format
Project report instructions
Download information about preparing your project report