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December 18th – 31st 2022 – theatrical performance: Als die Schokolade vom Himmel fiel

“When the chocolate fell from the sky”

Berlin 1949. It’s Gerda’s brother’s birthday. But in times of blockade, a birthday cake is a big challenge. There are no eggs anywhere. The chickens in the bombed-out houses of the neighbors haven’t laid any for a long time. What to do? The theatergoers accompany Gerda on her way through post-war Berlin at the time of the airlift. A black marketeer finally offers her two eggs in exchange for chocolate. But where will the candy come from? Then the girl hears that chocolate bars are supposedly falling from the sky at Tempelhofer Feld. Can she believe it? At night, she meets an American pilot in a dream who busily builds little parachutes and hangs chocolate on them. They become friends. But was it all just a dream? Sometimes dreams come true…

The family theater event for wintertime at Tempelhofer Feld, with free admission!

“Als die Schokolade vom Himmel fiel” (When chocolate fell from the sky) tells its story with the means of figure and object theater.
object theater, combined with acting, singing and narration. The play is staged as
staged as a station theater. The audience walks from place to place. 50 people per performance.

Accompanied by adults for children ages 5 and up. Another 16 performances are planned for May 2023.

CCS supported Theater ANU with about 20% of the production costs.

Photo: Johannes Gärtner

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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